Mar 22, 2011

Our First Meeting for Life Against Life

Unfortunately, we were not able to meet with our speaker from Mass. Citizens for Life, but we worked as a group and researched their website. Some interesting points we found are there are four kinds of stem cells: embryonic, germ, adult, and umbilical cord cells. People who are Christians generally only oppose research with embryonic stem cells. Mass. Citizens for Life is the largest group in the state and have pushed multiple laws through the state and country legislative system. One of these laws include females under the age of 18 being required to get a parental consent for abortion. Lastly, Mass. Citizens for Life favors research with adult stem cells because they have the ability to copy into mature cells whereas embryonic do not.

1 comment:

Hans Mundahl said...

Glad the speaker has arrived! Looking forward to hear about your dialog with her!