Mar 22, 2010

Aspects of Identity

Welcome to JUA 2010 Diet and Lifestyle group. Our quest while in Boston is to explore aspects of identity related to human physiology, diet and lifestyle. Some of our activities will include a visit to the Museum of Science to experience an interactive exhibit on Identity, meeting with a clinician who does obesity research at Mass General Hospital, viewing and discussion of the film "Supersize Me" and experiencing various examples of cuisine thought to promote health and some considered to be unhealthy. While on the trip, students will keep a journal that should include a food diary. This journal will be used in the final evaluation that will include a personal dietary assessment and reflection.

Your first assignment is to go to the link for The Museum of Science website, read about the current exhibit on "Identity" and formulate several questions that you would like to answer during your visit to the MOS. Please post your questions on the Blog.

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