Mar 22, 2010

Meeting setup with Element Productions

We are going to have an exciting tour of Element Productions on Wednesday at 2pm after our visit to the Institute of Contemporary Art to see their facility and view the Green screen they have. This should be an unique experience for all of us. Check out the website:

See you all tonight at the meeting at 8pm.


Johnny said...

Please look at this website and be thinking about some questions for our tour guide, Kristin Kearns!

Johnny said...

Just had a great meeting with the six of New Media. Waiting for blogs to start coming in and doing a sundance for better weather. The group seems excited and enthusiastic about being together for the next few days. Off to Boston!

Johnny said...

Just had a great meeting with the six of New Media. Waiting for blogs to start coming in and doing a sundance for better weather. The group seems excited and enthusiastic about being together for the next few days. Off to Boston!

Amy Wilson said...

I am so jealous. You are going to the ICA? !!
Element Productions looks like it is current and alive. How much more real can it get?

ericwlacroix said...

Have a great trip everyone!