Jan 2, 2007

What needs to happen to wrap up JUA?

Due dates have changed by topic leader and senior leader request. Please see the revised dates below.

Soon we will be wrapping up JUA. There are a few things you need to do between now and then.
  1. Email your written answer to your question to your topic area leader by midnight Monday 1/8
  2. Email any visual (for honors credit) to Mr. Mundahl by midnight Monday 1/8
  3. Send any pictures you have to your group leaders
  4. Make sure your group has your blog posts all set (learning block reports and free time reports)
  5. Make sure you've done all your individual blogging
  6. Answer the feedback questions here and here
If you have any questions please review the Assessment Rubric and talk to Mr. Mundahl or your topic area leaders.

Please make this your best work - it is going to be shared far and wide beyond New Hampton School.

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