Dec 5, 2006

First Experience @ Lamson Library

WHO: Art Hazelwood

WHAT: Hubris Corpulentus: A series of ten engravings by Art Hazelwood

WHERE: Plymouth, NH Plymouth State Universtity Lamson Library Gallery

WHEN: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:40am - 10:10 am

WHY: To view the expressions of an artist who is opposed to the war.

GROUP THOUGHTS: The artist captured the war in its infancy or prior to the war, so his views may have changed in that time. Reading the supplemental booklet helped to put the exhibit into context. This was very powerful. Its easy to tell where the artist is coming from.
OTHER REACTIONS (from the guestbook) There were a variety of responses to this exhibit. Most visitors claimed the exhibit was strong, thought-provoking and powerful while only a few showed their dismay. It proved to be well-done and interesting to all.

To learn more visit:

"Some emperors fiddle while the nation burns..." Doug Norris University of Rhode Island Gallery, Kingston

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