Mar 21, 2010

Engineering Our Future - Reading and Comments

I would like to welcome the Engineering Our Future team to the JUA blog. I am very excited about the opportunities we will have in the next few days to explore what engineers have done for us in the past and where they may take us in the near future. Here is a quick glimpse of what we will be doing.

Boston is a hotbed for sustainable engineering, and our interview with some members of the Boston chapter of Engineers Without Borders will give us some insights into what sustainable engineering may look like globally. What does sustainable engineering mean to you?

We will spend some time at MIT touring their campus, meeting with their admissions department, and exploring the MIT Museum. The museum has some great exhibits featuring scientific and engineering work done at MIT, including a very informative exhibit on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Should we pursue AI as a means to advance human society, or are there ethical and safety concerns that outweigh the benefits?

Our last activity will be a guided tour of one of Boston's premier sustainable buildings, Artists for Humanity's LEED Platinum Certified Epicenter building. LEED certification is the "in thing" for green building, but what does it mean to be LEED certified and is it really all that important or hard to get?

Below I have listed links to some valuable resources for the activities and interviews that we will be participating in. Please browse through them, and post your initial (pre-trip) thoughts on some or all of the questions raised above. These websites should give you a good base of background information that will help you form the questions that are important to you. I look forward to helping you answer at least some of those questions in the next few days. See you tomorrow.

Mr. Joslin

MIT's homepage

MIT Museum's Robots and Beyond: Exploring Artificial Intelligence at MIT page

Engineers Without Borders - Boston homepage

Artists for Humanity Epicenter page


Hans Mundahl said...

Nice reading & links.

Jenny said...

I believe that sustainable energy is energy that is efficient, reliable, and beneficial to the society.

Maisie Fullerton said...

My initial thoughts before beginning the adventure are that I am extremely pleased to see how businesses are pioneering environmentally conscious and thought provoking ways to not only run their business, but sustain the planet. The more notable businesses openly advertise their support and passion for sustainable and green building, the more others will catch on.