Nov 8, 2007

Sample JUA and Product: Photo Essay

Selective Memory: What are the consequences when the world forgets history?

Darfur and Kurdistan are all places where tragedies have struck and the world has watched idly doing little to nothing. Even more devastating than the events in these regions are those that have taken place in Afghanistan. Caught between war and natural disaster, refugees from Afghanistan’s endless infighting now find themselves further trapped by a relentless winter and an aid drought. What are the consequences when the world closes their eyes and ears to a dying people?

Product: Photo essay.

Materials needed: camera

Driving Questions:

  1. What is the U.S. foreign aid policy?
  2. What NGOs exist to help provide aid?
  3. How will the scandal of Zoe’s Ark impact future aid missions
  4. How does the media decide what is “newsworthy”?

Learning Blocks:

State representatives

Local charities


News station or Newspaper office

Community Survey

Our photo essay on Afghanistan

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